Terms and Conditions:

All Perubet.pe clients will receive a 10% refund on monthly losses. The refund will be calculated during the period of one calendar month, and is credited on the first day of each month.
Free spins can be used on straight bets with odds not exceeding 3.5.
In case the free bet is a winner; you will receive the amount of the profit, but not the amount risked. The amount risked only represents the game opportunity and not part of the prize.
This bonus cannot be combined with any other bonus. You can enjoy this benefit from March 1, 2022.
How is it calculated?

The total of your deposits made is added to the initial balance of your account on the first day of the month and the total money withdrawn during this period is subtracted. From this result, the balance available in your account at the end of the day of the last day of the month is subtracted and multiplied by the percentage of the bonus to be received.


Initial balance: S/. 100 Total deposits: S/. 1000 Total withdrawals: S/. 200 Final Balance: S/. 50 (S/. 100 + S/. 1000- S/. 200) – S/. 50 = S/. 850 If the bonus is 10% S/. 850 * 10/100 = S/. 85 S/. 85 are credited to your account!